Sven Longshanks, TruthVids and PatriArt discuss the fulfilment of Augustine’s curse on the Britons.
As the Britons would not accept Rome’s authority over their church, Augustine cursed them to meet death at the hands of their enemies, the Saxons.
Ethelbert the King of Kent where Augustine was staying, then instigated Ethelfrid the pagan king of Northumbria to attack Chester.
1200 unarmed priests of the Bangor University were massacred by him and the university put to the torch, which eventually led to Cadwallo teaming up with Penda and swearing to leave no Saxon alive between the Firth and the Humber.
Notes for this episode can be found HERE
Presented by Sven Longshanks, TruthVids and PatriArt
Patriotic History: The Bangor Massacre – PH 120222
Patriotic History will be back on Radio Albion next Friday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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