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Patriotic History: The Franks and the Umayads – PH 010623

Sven Longshanks, TruthVids and PatriArt move from Britain to Gaul for the Battle of Tours.

The Saxons and related tribes remained in England and became indistinguishable from the Britons, while the Britons withdrew to Wales, but still paid the tax due for defence of the island to whoever was King of London.

Spain had been invaded by the Umayad Moslems shortly after Mohammed’s death and they had intentions of moving into Gaul and taking all of Europe.

Charles Martel defeated them, losing only 1,500 of his own men and killing 375,000 Moslems according to one account.

Notes for this episode can be found HERE

Presented by Sven Longshanks, TruthVids and PatriArt

Patriotic History: The Franks and the Umayads – PH 010623


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