Sven Longshanks exposes a drag performance for kids and the obscene amount of money being spent on promoting drag and homosexual lifestyles to children.
Rupaul’s Drag Race Convention in the UK were offering free tickets to children under 8-years-old to attend an ‘after hours’ drag show at the weekend.
This was not a drag queen story hour, but a drag queen performance aimed at both adults and children.
The goal of these drag shows is to provide a so-called positive homosexual role model to children, so why is the role model a sexualised adult performer?
The EU spent almost a quarter million euroes promoting drag queen and homosexual lifestyles to children last year.
Other funds were spent on creating gay friendly schools and setting up summer camps to normalise boys dressing in girls’ underwear.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: After Hours Drag For Kids – DN 010923
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