Sven Longshanks looks at alternative explanations for ‘racism’ and government courses discussing ‘white resentment’.
The BBC has collected complaints about prospective tenants not being accepted by landlords, for reasons of racism
Yet the worst of the examples they found was obviously a case of fraud, others were pattern recognition and one was even a legal requirement for landlords to do.
It doesn’t matter how much people do, there will always be a suspicion of discrimination in a multicultural society.
The other side of this is White people being told to make exceptions for and do things to help, other ethnic groups instead of their own.
This is maladaptive and breeds resentment on both sides and even though Suella Braverman has spoken out against it, the Conservative Party are still pushing it in the form of ‘diversity and inclusion training sessions’.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Racist Landlord Allegations – DN 012423
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