Sven Longshanks looks at the details of a conversion therapy ban and asks why it only applies to heterosexuals?
A senior trial lawyer has warned that Scotland’s proposed conversion therapy bill would require no evidence or proof of ill will, just a suggestion of an alternative reason to gender dysphoria for a child’s confusion, could see a parent, pastor or even a feminist criminalised.
He warns that the proposed Bill breaks multiple human rights and UK law, but the Sunak administration has just backtracked on their announcement of not including transgenders in the UK's own proposed Bill on conversion therapy.
The Cass review last year showed the risks involved with social transition, yet these Bills would make it illegal to warn anyone about these possible negative outcomes.
Parents already run the risk of social services being called if they complain about a school socially transing their child, with laws like the ones suggested, they could also end up being jailed.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Scotland and UK Conversion Therapy Ban – DN 011823
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