Sven Longshanks, TruthVids and PatriArt discuss Alfred’s judges, his school, his translations and his Biblical commentary.
Alfred would sit it on the court and do spot checks on his judges, who were encouraged to either learn to read or step down.
He set up a school for bright children, that educated all classes of people, from noble to peasant.
He translated himself some works from Latin into English and presided over an entire industry making these translations.
Alfred took religious instruction very seriously and wrote his own introductions to each Psalm that he translated into English.
Notes for this episode can be found HERE
Presented by Sven Longshanks, TruthVids and PatriArt
Patriotic History: Alfred the Great IV – PH 021723
Patriotic History will be back on Radio Albion next Friday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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