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The Daily Nationalist: St Patrick in Drag – DN 020823

Sven Longshanks looks at a teacher sacked for ‘misgendering’ and Ireland’s plan to turn St Patrick’s Day into a celebration of homosexuality and mass migration.

Despite Kemi Badenoch saying that teachers should not be socially transitioning children and must refer to their birth certificate gender, teacher Kevin Lister was sacked for refusing to refer to a biological girl as a boy.

He is now also taking Kemi’s advice in taking the school to court, but it appears there has been no official guidance on how schools should treat gender confused children. 

The Irish government has decided in response to the massive anti-immigration protests that what the Irish really want, is their national celebration of their patron saint to be changed into being about drag queens and diversity instead.

They claim we are all one, while at the same time importing diversity into the country creating multiple nations within it instead of being the singular nation that they assert to be.

Presented by Sven Longshanks

The Daily Nationalist: St Patrick in Drag – DN 020823


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