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Parish of the Patriots: Endemic Corruption – PP 040423

Grandpa Dan looks at the collapsing American empire and what led to the moral failure of the church.

Parish of the Patriots contains one of a kind thought provoking discussion as well as a Christian specific message that you won’t find anywhere else. If you get something out of this show, your voluntary financial support is very much appreciated. If you wish to take part in that, you can find that information at the bottom of this page.

WWIII is upon us, it is simply not being noticed by many due to us currently witnessing it as a form of asymmetrical warfare. On the one hand, Russia is grinding up and diminishing the military capacity of the collective West (read the U.S. and its puppet states) with minimal cost to itself. On the other hand, China is waging warfare on the economic front, negotiating deals with countries to do trade in currencies other than the dollar.

A basic element to warfare is to fight where you are strongest and your opponent is weak. China is strong economically because China actually produces usable things whereas the U.S. for the most part produces various financial instruments. For the U.S. the corruption has become so endemic that it is failing on pretty much every front.

In the Christian specific segment we’ll be talking about how the Christian church (read: the MCC) got to where it is today. It is not as though those who have been in charge of running the church over the years were left to guess and may have accidentally got something wrong. We were left with extremely specific instructions to guard against this sort of situation. So how did we get here? It’s simple: people didn’t follow the instructions!

Bible reference this week will be: 1 Timothy 5:8, 1 Timothy 3: 1-12

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Presented by Grandpa Dan

Parish of the Patriots: Endemic Corruption – PP 040423


Parish of the Patriots will be back on Radio Albion in the New Year on Tuesday at 3pm EDT/8pm GMT.
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