Sven Longshanks looks at a teacher being humiliated for referring to ‘girls’ and an investigation into the true number of transgenders in the UK.
The teacher said ‘Good afternoon girls’ at the start of a lesson and was forced to allow the head teacher to apologise for her while she stood like a naughty student next to her.
When she asked if the parents had been told their biologically female child was identifying as a they/them at school, the school did not appear to know.
The number of transgenders may have been exaggerated as the Census appears to be saying that one in 67 Moslems are trans.
It is thought there may have been a language problem with the question, as 29% of the trans total, are people who do not speak English as a first language.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Girls No Longer Girls at Girl’s School – DN 041723
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