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The Daily Nationalist: The Declining Role of Uterus Havers - DN 062323

 The Gayly Nationalist returns as Grandpa Dan updates the latest status on the battlefield of the oppressed. The generals of the Uterus Havers Liberation Army are said to be disheartened over the removal of their troops from the front of the war against the patriarchy in order that more resources can be delivered to the elite forces of the People’s Alphabet Militia who are seeing success in their efforts to expand the critical territory of gender definitions. The National Socialist Republic of Normal People have put up some opposition and have recently reported destroying several billions of dollars in Bud Lite tanks as well as Target troop transports. However some of this loss has been mitigated by the arrival of Harley Davidson helicopters to offer air support for the remaining Bud Lite armor. While John Hopkins University insists that it is not a direct party to the conflict, they have vowed to support the fight for diversity and inclusion no matter the cost.


Below is the link to the PA article concerning Sven Longshanks. In the comments you can find the address to which you can write to Sven as well as a mailing address and instructions should you wish to use the postal service for financial support.



Below is the link to the GiveSendGo fundraiser for Sven.



Below is the link to the prison website where Sven is being held. You can find guidelines regarding prisoner contacts as well as a link to directly contribute to a prisoner’s commissary fund via debit card.



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