Today's Daily Nationalist is brought to you by Matthew Raphael Johnson and deals with the results of the politicization of the FBI. One of the saddest cases of the FBI inventing criminals to pad its numbers is that of Sami Osmakac, a schizophrenic refugee from Kosovo who the FBI turned into a “dangerous terrorist.” From 2012 to 2015, the FBI told him what to say, gave him money for fake weapons and convinced him he was a “martyr” for Islam. Despite his mental illness and a blatant case of entrapment, he was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison. As the US is drowning in crime, cases like this (and there are hundreds of others) are the priority of the FBI.
Below is the link to the PA article concerning Sven Longshanks. In the comments you can find the address to which you can write to Sven as well as a mailing address and instructions should you wish to use the postal service for financial support.
Below is the link to the GiveSendGo fundraiser for Sven.
Below is the link to the prison website where Sven is being held. You can find guidelines regarding prisoner contacts as well as a link to directly contribute to a prisoner’s commissary fund via debit card.
The Daily Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion tomorrow at 12pm EDT/5pm BST.
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