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The Daily Nationalist: Losing Credibility - DN 120423

Grandpa Dan discusses the loss of credibility as it pertains to the democracy systems of the West. Propaganda and messages about vague terms such as “democracy values of who we are” can only go so far. At some point, each failure in credibility piles one on top of another and this failure takes root in the consciousnesses of the public. A Korean man was recently sentenced to prison over a poem. Now, one might assume that this must have taken place in North Korea but you would be incorrect. The South Korean regime is so insecure in their own legitimacy, that they felt compelled to sentence one of their own citizens to prison over nothing more than a piece of poetry. Closer to home, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing Pfizer for fraud over their Covid shots. For those who don’t know, there has been a concerted effort for years to get rid of Ken Paxton culminating in an effort to impeach and remove him from office just this year. With a story such as this, it doesn’t take a great deal of imagination in order to figure out why.


This is the new address for Sven Longshanks:

James Allchurch A5903EY

HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind.

Est., Wrexham, LL139QS

This is the link to the PA article concerning Sven which contains a mailing address should you wish to send financial support to him via the postal service:



Below is the Givesendgo fundraiser for Sven. This is probably the easiest way to send him financial support:



It is possible to send Sven emails via the site linked below:



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