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The Daily Nationalist: Citizenship Used to Mean Something - DN 011524

Grandpa Dan looks at the case of Gonzalo Lira as an example of the fact that now, U.S. citizenship holds no actual value. This is a critical mistake on the part of those who hold power. The government is not an actual autonomous entity. Instead, the government relies on people willing to do its work. By devaluing what it means to be a citizen, those who hold power undermine their own ability to wield the power they so crave. The difference between a man who holds power and a lunatic screaming to himself in an empty room is whether or not other people agree to do what he says.


This is the new address for Sven Longshanks:

James Allchurch A5903EY

HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind.

Est., Wrexham, LL139QS

This is the link to the PA article concerning Sven which contains a mailing address should you wish to send financial support to him via the postal service:



Below is the Givesendgo fundraiser for Sven. This is probably the easiest way to send him financial support:



It is possible to send Sven emails via the site linked below:



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