In the U.S., members of Congress are referred to as “Representatives”. In this installment of The Daily Nationalist, Grandpa Dan asks the obvious question as to who exactly, these “Representatives” actually represent. Representative Tim Walberg recently stated that no humanitarian aid should be given to Gaza or the Ukraine and instead, they should be given the Hiroshima and Nagasaki treatment. Is this attitude representative of the people in his district? In a separate news story, it is revealed that this same Congressman (even though he isn’t Jewish) was recently the victim of antisemitism after bravely hanging a banner declaring his support for a foreign nation. All of the hand waving and name calling doesn’t change the question: Who do these people actually represent?
This is the new address for Sven Longshanks:
James Allchurch A5903EY
HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind.
Est., Wrexham, LL139QS
This is the link to the PA article concerning Sven which contains a mailing address should you wish to send financial support to him via the postal service:
Below is the Givesendgo fundraiser for Sven. This is probably the easiest way to send him financial support:
It is possible to send Sven emails via the site linked below:
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