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The Orthodox Nationalist: The 1913 Ritual Murder Trial of Menahem Beilis - TON 040324

More of Dr. Johnson’s academic work as well as methods by which you can support his work can be found at https://theorthodoxnationalist.wordpress.com/

Today's Orthodox Nationalist deals with a question rarely discussed with any degree of competence, that of the trial of Menahem Mendel Beilis (1874-1934), the Jewish man accused of ritual murder in 1911 Kiev. On March 12, 1911, a boy of only 13 – Andrei Yushchinsky – disappeared on his way to school. A week later, his body was found near the Jewish-owned Zaitsev brick factory, completely emptied of blood and showing signs of ritual mutilation. Since then, an entire official narrative has been invented to relieve him of any responsibility, and, of course, almost none of it is true.


The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm GMT.
Ways to fund Dr Johnson's original and independent research can be found HERE
You can write to Dr Johnson at this address: Matthew Raphael Johnson, PO Box 304, Tire Hill, PA 15959, USA
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