Grandpa Dan takes a humorous look at the way in which AI is viewed as a threat by the narrative creators. Most of the stories presented to the public regarding AI rely on the idea that most people have no clue how AI actually works. Unhindered AI will simply look up as much information as possible from multiple sources on any given topic and give you as factually correct of an answer as possible. AI has no agenda, no ideology and no prejudice which poses a problem when people need you to believe something that may not be entirely correct. A recent UN report warns that AI could cause anti-Semitism if people use it for researching the Holocaust. Yet how can this be if AI is simply reviewing relevant data? The White House recently claimed that all of the videos that everyone has seen of Biden being in an obvious state of cognitive decline are actually “cheap fakes”. We have apparently moved on from “don’t believe your lying eyes” to “don’t believe the lying AI”.
This is the new address for Sven Longshanks:
James Allchurch A5903EY
HMP Berwyn, Bridge Road, Wrexham Ind.
Est., Wrexham, LL139QS
This is the link to the PA article concerning Sven which contains a mailing address should you wish to send financial support to him via the postal service:
Below is the Givesendgo fundraiser for Sven. This is probably the easiest way to send him financial support:
It is possible to send Sven emails via the site linked below:
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