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The Orthodox Nationalist: Igor Shafarevich and “Russophobia” - TON 112024

More of Dr. Johnson’s academic work as well as methods by which you can support his work can be found at https://theorthodoxnationalist.wordpress.com/

Today's Orthodox Nationalist begins with the imminent fall of the USSR in 1990. The Soviet empire was deeply divided between Liberals seeking to imitate the west, and Eurasianists, mostly found in some universities and in the military. In 1990, famed mathematician Igor Shafarevich wrote his now famous “Russophobia” as an early statement of the Russian nationalist position, and the English language edition was published by the US Commerce Department. Unfortunately for Russia, he was ignored, but history proved him correct.


The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm GMT.
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