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The Daily Nationalist: China At It Again - DN 012725

Grandpa Dan returns with the Monday installment of The Daily Nationalist. It’s looking to be a bloody Monday for the stock market, as U.S. tech stocks took a severe beating in pre opening trading. While China’s newly announced AI is being blamed, the truth is that virtually all of these stocks are overpriced. In other news, the shocking “truth” of the Chinese spy balloon can finally be told. As most of you remember; during the Biden administration, China, lacking satellite technology, launched a crafty spy balloon that mysteriously floated over U.S. military bases. Because these bases are located in densely populated areas such as Idaho and Montana, the government was forced to allow the evil Chinese to transmit this data back to Beijing due to concerns over public safety. Finally the balloon was safely shot down over the ocean. While none of the cutting edge spy tech could be recovered it doesn’t matter because the government always tells us the truth and if you don’t believe it, just try typing it into a search engine or ask one of the American made AIs.


The Daily Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Thursday at 12pm EDT/5pm BST.
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